viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Fashion Designer!

Hi everybody! Today I am gonna tell you about my Ideal job.In Chile exists a lot of fashion designer, but only a few are recognized in the society, most of them are fashion designers of haute couture (like Ruben Campos, Jaime Troncoso, Jose Cardoch) who really design clothes for a selected and little group of people of our society, however there is another kind of fashion designers, who really influence in the life of everyone, they are the cool haunters.Here in Chile fashion it’s the most selled items of the big brands, but who decides to brings this kind of clothing to Chile? Some people see the fashion like something superficial and silly, but the fashion’s world of clothes is more than that. The designers of clothes are considered artists of clothes. And they have a big imagination for creating many pieces of original clothes. The cool haunters are fashion designers, people with a special “touch” to say what is in or not. The big Chilean brands like Falabella, send a cool haunter to the places where is the “Hotest” stuff in the fashion world, Paris, Londres, Barcelona, New York are the paradise for fashion trends, there is where the cool haunters go and shop. Yes! The work of a cool haunter designer it’s go to travel around the world, and shop the most beautiful garments, the most beautiful colors and take the inspiration to create the new collections for us. The cool haunters go to travel with almost one year of anticipations, shop clothes, accessories and with all this information, they came back to Chile to design the collection for the next year. This is the designers who really affects in our life, they are who brings the fasion to Chile and for the big brands we use everyday. The works of this people it’s for everybody and not only for a little group of people.As you can see the work of the cool haunter it’s travel around the world, shop, decide what kind of clothes we´ll use one year later , and also they could get for them selves many of the clothing that they buy because many of this garments are only for makes the color charts of the collections. And they get pay for it?? This it’s the best job I’d could ever imagine.

The best?

Mmm, It's really complex for me to start with this, because my experience studying sociology is very limited and only just now I have a subject about the biggest sociologist and his theories. But, even Knowing too little about the thousands of great sociologists in this world, there is one that as ,I see it, is the best sociologist in the history. Why? Because, when the sociology born, he was the first man that received the title of “sociologist”. In addition, he was the first man who ever gave a lecture about sociology, in the world. Though he didn’t start his career as sociologist, his experience on Germany brings him to develop important sociological works, like “La división del trabajo social” and “El suicidio”. The most important thing he really does, it’s because his works, the world see the sociology as a science, and it’s have to be validated as it. In this way he makes a mechanism to study the social reality, he exposed this method in his book “Las reglas del método sociológico”, where he explains how to establish the limits of the object to study, also he explain the ways to get close to the object and get the better conclusions about the obtained information His ideas have invaded to the sociological world, passing to be the historical base for sociology itself in the universe of the social sciences.That’s the reason because he is the best, for being the first one in doing sociology in the world.


Hi everybody!
I’m not very good with the presentations. So i hope that you enjoy reading this.My name is María Francisca, but people generally call me only Francisca, never María; And it is better, because I think "María" it’s a very common name, and many people named like this.I’m nineteen years old and I study sociology in the Universidad de Chile. I’m in the second year and I believe that this subject is very interesting.I never saw myself like a sociologist, in fact many years I was very sure about my future and (it) never happened for my head the idea about studying sociology. I wanted to be other type of things; lawyer, commercial engineer, etc. It was in my last year in the school when everything changed. How? Mmmm when the 2007 was starting, I had a little trip to Cerro San Cristobal. I went with my ex classmates (school classmates) and the History teacher. We were exploring the place, when my professor presented to me an old friend. He was a Sociologist and was doing a study about people who lives under the bridge. And for first time in my life I could see things that were very very far of my reality. I was in shock; I saw little kids drinking alcohol and sharing drugs with her parents. Young people with awful scars, and nobody who can read or write... So I discovered that I wanted know, Why there is people that suffered this kind of things? How we can allow that this things happened!... So, for understand this, and can explain how something so terrible could happen in a World (so near to us) I decide to became socioglist to be the one who give explains (to myself and other people) about this kinds of troubles of society and another kind of subject which concern everyone and everyone should knows.